quarta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2010

Tá Quinas is dead, Long live Tá Quinas!

Boas Quinados!

Tal como George RR Martin diz nos seus livros, Valar Morghulis - all men must die, e parece que isso também se aplica a blogs.

A hora do Tá Quinas chegou!

Ao fim deste ano e meio sentimos satisfação ao ver que o Tá Quinas agitou a comunidade geek e gamer de Portugal, mas por outro lado sentimo-nos insatisfeitos com a situação actual no blog. Quando o Tá Quinas foi criado pretendíamos que este fosse um espaço virtual de encontro entre a comunidade, e também para a promoção de eventos, um grito de revolta contra os espaços não existentes para isso na nossa cidade. Actualmente, pode-se dizer com um certo grau de certeza que o Tá Quinas é um local virtual onde sobretudo quatro indivíduos trocam impressões sobre temas geeks, e que os posts colocados no blog dão o mote a inúmeras conversas presenciais que vão bem além dos assuntos em questão -- um pouco aquilo que a nossa shoutbox está a fazer. Como tal, foi surgindo cada vez mais um subgrupo dentro do Tá Quinas, grupo este que dá pelo nome de The Four Horsemen! 

Ora surgiu a ideia de criar um blog onde pudéssemos postar todas aquelas coisas que queremos comentar e sem estar presos pela temática geek.

Acontece que essa ideia materializou-se no seguinte endereço: http://thefourhorsemenride.blogspot.com/ 
Vai ser nesta nova morada que nos vão poder encontrar a partir de agora. O que podem esperar deste novo blog... TUDO!!... e sobretudo muito avacalhation... querem saber o que é avacalhation então visitem o blog, não esperem é coisas politicamente correctas, PG-13, etc... a única regra é que não há regras!! Bwuahahahah! Ok... já chega! Vamos também continuar a organizar eventos, portanto vão deitando uma olhada no nosso blog! Ah, algumas das rubricas que vêem agora no Tá Quinas irão passar para lá também, por isso, se houver fãs por aí que as queiram continuar a seguir, força. Não barramos a entrada a ninguém e, como tal, continuaremos o espírito de cooperação com vocês que temos mantido até agora -- quero com isto dizer que se quiserem ver algum conteúdo exposto no blog, contactem-nos.

Entretanto vamos deixar-vos com este video awesome de apresentação do novo blog:

This is our final sign out from:

Lord of Blades aka Death
Darth Gostoso aka Conquest
Tanuki aka War
Tularis aka Famine

segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2010

Tá Quinas invade o Castle Stahleck 2010 AGOT Championship

Boas Quinados,

Este fim de semana passado, de 8 a 11 de Outubro alguns membros do Tá Quinas foram de excursão. Desta feita fomos até à Alemanha, à pequena cidade de Bacharach para participar no Castle Stahleck 2010. O evento que serve como campeonato europeu de vários LCGs da Fantasy Flight games. O grupo Tá Quinas participou no campeonato de A Game of Thrones e foi espectacular!
O Castelo de Stahleck lá no alto visto de Bacharach

O rio Reno e o Castelo, à direita podemos ver Tularis à chegada ao torneio

O rio Reno visto de Stahleck

Bom, não estou com paciência para traduzir portanto vou postar aqui o report em inglês que postei nos boards da Fantasy Flight Games acompanhado de algumas fotos:

 Tularis e Cheetara concentrados durante o Kingsmoot

 A representação ibérica feminina em força. No lado espanhol Sheila mostra a sua Martell House Card, lá atrás do lado tuga, Cheetara assustada pensa "Ohh não! Outro deck de Red Viper não!!"

 "What a great weekend!!

First of all congrats to Gualdo for winning the biggest joust ever. In my opinion he is the true WORLD CHAMPION!

Arrived with the rest of the portuguese crew in Stahleck with 2h slept in the night before and after not much more than 1h started the Kingsmoot.

1st game - I was playing GJ with Melisandre as guest star for extra power on unopposed challenges. Played against WWDrakey using Stark, a spanish Targ and a french GJ. Finished second after offering Drakey to choose the card he needed from "to be a wolf" to steal the last title from the Targ thus making me stay in second place with only one title but almost no power .
2nd game - One of the most funny ever. The TRUE KINGSMOOT, 2 spanish guys, me and my fellow country man Tovra.pt all playing Greyjoy decks. The Iberian Kingsmoot. Very funny game with one of the spanish guys even making comments as we marshalled our characters (Asha, Victarion, Euron) that played a part in the scene in the book from where this melee variant comes. Unfortunately me and Tovra.pt drawed for last place with the same titles and power and the spanish guys taking first and second place.
3rd game - Another game with my portuguese friends Claudia (Cheetara) and Fábio and a spanish guy. All of them playing Stark against my GJ!! I thought I would place last here. How would I survive 3 furies of the wolf?? Well I rushed to the victory with Scouting Vessels and Support of Harlaw and managed to go first always against who had the Fury plot revealed and placed first on the table.
Placed 16th on the melee. I was finally off to bed when... wait our young padawan and squire Henrique made it to the final table with his Martell Viper rush...
Henrique durante a final do Kingsmoot

Boy was that intense, I stayed with the rest of our crew supporting him. Sadly he made a mistake in the last round and Jakub won the table otherwise he could have won the melee! We also left the game hall with the notion that one of the spanish guys was in fact playing with 2 decks, his own and the one from the other spanish player since he was calling all the moves that the other player should do. Anyway Henrique placed 2nd and it was the best result from our team from Portugal and so we celebrated a lot during that night and the high point was when we knighted Henrique using a miniature lightsaber. He arrived a squire and left Stahleck as Ser Henrique of Stahleck.  We're crazy I know!

The joust I'm not even going into it in detail since it went so bad for me.
Rittersaal onde se desenrolava o evento principal - o AGOT Joust European

Played again with Greyjoy against Old Ben in the first round and lost to his Baratheon rush. I opened with Valar for his set up Melisandre and discovered the next turn that Many Powers Long Asleep was already legal in the tournament...  I thought it was coming only with Kings of the Storm... lol Anyway after this game it only went downhill.
Played against Swiss Martell with agendas( hurray Darkstar being discarded with Val, but coming to the table anyway!) and lost, Italian Targ burn and lost. After losing 3 times the rest of the games were just for fun. So, French Stark with Bear Island and won, French Greyjoy and won, German Stark Winter and won and finally Polish GJ winter and lost already on time out. (3 wins - 4 losses)
After this went for Bacharach to meet the rest of the portuguese crew and our friends, the finnish couple for some wine tasting and pizza!! 
Very funny was also the way that our friend Alex was cheering for Gualdo to win the joust. He lost against Gualdo in the last round and so didn't make it to the top 16. So we wanted Gualdo to win so Alex could say he was beaten but only because it was by the champion. ahahaha
The next event was the Nation's Cup that actually was my favorite event!
Our national team played against 2 german teams. First round we did 3-3. I played with the Greyjoy and Martell decks. I took a bite of the german Red Viper but then bit back when the portuguese Viper bit the german baratheon rush. During this game my balls fell when the german player played Fury of the Stag. Because I'm not used to play Martell and only realized that fury of the stag is against martell when it was already in the table ahahah...
Second and last round I played against Gleb. First GJ against Baratheon Rush and managed to win even with him very cleaverly forcing me to reveal a new plot when I was marshalling Melisandre using Alliance. On the second and most freakish game I ever played, I took my red viper against a very annoying GJ mill and managed to win just one minute before time limit and with all my deck milled. I was "confessed" in the first round after getting viper with summoning season but with an incredible lucky draw in the last rounds managed to get herald of the sun and house messenger. After shuffling the deck and putting viper on top I marshall house messenger and reveal the top 2 cards. The viper that was already on top and.... another Viper that would go to the bottom! Everybody just laughed at the irony!! ahahah  Thanks to Gleb for this game and also for giving me two pets to keep me company even when valar came... 2 wharf rats... eheheh

Lord of Blades depois do Nation's Cup usando a sua t-shirt de Greyjoy! We Do Not Sow! That's right motherfuckers!

The ambience between the players was great, had a great time also with the other portuguese group that was playing Warhammer Invasion and the spanish guys are really crazy! The spanish Cersei and Lannister man at arms were really great! And thanks to Kabe for including us in the warcry in the last round "Españoles, Italianos, Portugueses" "Aú Aú Aú!!" Sorry to the guys from the other countries, yes we are latin we make a lot of noise!! 
Finally thanks to Thorondor for organizing all this. Hope to see everyone again next year!
P.S. Maybe FFG should send some representatives next year since this event is much larger than GenCon "

Nota positiva para o grande evento, esperamos estar lá de novo para o ano. Parece que o outro grupo tuga que se encontrava por lá a jogar Warhammer Invasion teve bons resultados e levaram alguns prémios para casa. Entretanto se quiserem ver os boards da FFG e ver todos os desenvolvimentos inclusive a flame war que se desenrolou depois de eu ter dito que para mim o Gualdo era o verdadeiro campeão do mundo sigam este link. Afinal de contas este torneio "europeu" tem o dobro dos participantes de GenCon que é onde se desenrola o "campeonato do mundo"...
